The Capital City Half Marathon consists of several components - 5K, quarter marathon and a half marathon. With distances ranging from 3.1 miles to 13 miles, I'm sure this event will attract a wide variety of runners. From the novice to the advanced runner, we will all have the same goal of crossing the finish line. I consider myself an advanced 5K runner, but a novice beyond that. This will be my very first race that isn't a 5K.
I must admit, I was a bit intimidated at the thought of doing a quarter marathon. Anything with the word "marathon" in it gives me a reason to pause. I've always said that I don't aspire to ever run a full marathon. Maybe a half one day. Right now I've undertaken the daunting task of training for a quarter marathon. My hesitation is definitely valid, considering my injury last year. I sustained a substantial injury to my shin. It was really a very bad case of shin splints. It was so bad, the doctor referred to it as a "borderline stress fracture," and he treated it as such. I ended up in a boot for three weeks in the middle of the summer! I never want to end up like that again. I was afraid I would never be able to run again. After physical therapy and reaching the point of being 100% pain free, I gained the courage to run again.
The physical therapist suggested that I use Jeff Galloway's method of training. He has developed an injury-free training program with a run/walk method. At first, I was opposed to walk breaks. However, since I've been training, I can see the benefits. The walk breaks allow for a short recovery. It's good for the mind and body. The walk breaks can actually help to increase your speed in the long run. With this race, I'm most concerned with staying injury-free and completing the course. I would like to run the entire race, but I will maintain the run/walk method throughout my training to give my body a break.
Jeff Galloway has written several books about his method. I purchased the app for my iPhone. It has been like a personal trainer. I don't have to think about what to do - he tells me when to run, when to walk and how long to go. Within the app, you can share your progress with friends on Facebook. You can follow my training on my Facebook page.