Timothy Ferriss, the New York Times best-selling author of "The 4-Hour Workweek", has released a new book entitled, "The 4-Hour Body." Ferriss claims that in just four hours, you can get the perfect body that we all long for. He outlines several quick and easy steps to weight loss. He teaches readers how to prevent weight gain while bingeing and how to increase fat loss.
In the beginning of the year, it is typical to set a goal to lose weight. By the end of January, many people lose sight of that goal. Dr. Oz has been on a quest this year to help individuals to stay on track with their weight loss goals. This week Dr. Oz had Timothy Ferriss as a guest on his show. Ferriss discussed how weight loss can be achieved with little effort. Dr. Oz examined the science behind Ferriss' claims. I thought the show was very interesting. When I first heard about the book, I was very skeptical. However, when Dr. Oz explained why Ferriss' suggestions could really work, my skepticism waned. You can view a clip of the Dr. Oz segment at http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/four-hours-your-perfect-body-pt-1."The 4-Hour Body" has been on the Best Sellers list for five weeks. It has become a best seller at The Quality Corner also. You can purchase it in print and audio with FREE shipping at www.thequalitycorner.com.